Linear regression in Python#

Goals of this lecture#

  • Implementing linear regression in statsmodels.

  • Interpreting model summaries:

    • Interpreting coefficients for continuous data.

    • Interpreting coefficients for categorical data.


## Imports
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import statsmodels.api as sm
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
import seaborn as sns
import scipy.stats as ss
%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'  # makes figs nicer!

Regression in Python#

There are many packages for implementing linear regression in Python, but we’ll be focusing on statsmodels.

Loading our first dataset#

df_income = pd.read_csv("data/models/income.csv")
Education Seniority Income
0 21.586207 113.103448 99.917173
1 18.275862 119.310345 92.579135
2 12.068966 100.689655 34.678727

Exploratory visualization#

Does Education correlate with Income?

sns.scatterplot(data = df_income, x = "Education", y = "Income")
<Axes: xlabel='Education', ylabel='Income'>

Building a regression model#

We can build a regression model using statsmodels.formula.api.ols, here imported as smf.

smf.ols(data = df_name, formula = "Y ~ X").fit()
mod = smf.ols(data = df_income, formula = "Income ~ Education").fit()

Inspecting output#

mod.summary() ### Lots of stuff here!
OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: Income R-squared: 0.812
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.805
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 120.8
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2024 Prob (F-statistic): 1.15e-11
Time: 10:40:11 Log-Likelihood: -115.90
No. Observations: 30 AIC: 235.8
Df Residuals: 28 BIC: 238.6
Df Model: 1
Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
Intercept -41.9166 9.769 -4.291 0.000 -61.927 -21.906
Education 6.3872 0.581 10.990 0.000 5.197 7.578
Omnibus: 0.561 Durbin-Watson: 2.194
Prob(Omnibus): 0.756 Jarque-Bera (JB): 0.652
Skew: 0.140 Prob(JB): 0.722
Kurtosis: 2.335 Cond. No. 75.7

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.

Extracing specific information#

## coefficients
Intercept   -41.916612
Education     6.387161
dtype: float64
## standard errors
Intercept    9.768949
Education    0.581172
dtype: float64
## p-values for coefficients
Intercept    1.918257e-04
Education    1.150567e-11
dtype: float64

Interpreting our model#

The linear equation#

Recall that the linear equation is written:

\(Y = \beta_0 + \beta_1 * X_1 + \epsilon\)

How would these terms map onto the coefficients below?

## Coefficients
Intercept   -41.916612
Education     6.387161
dtype: float64

Rewriting the linear equation#

We can insert our coefficients into the equation.

\(Y = -41.92 + 6.39 * X_1 + \epsilon\)

Which can then be used to generate a prediction for a given value of \(X\).

x = 20
y = -41.92 + 6.39 * x
print(y) ### our predicted value of Y, given X!


Write a function called predict_y(x) which takes in a value x and outputs a prediction based on these learned coefficients.

### Your code here


def predict_y(x):
    return -41.92 + 6.39 * x

Understanding the intercept#

The intercept term (\(\beta_0\)) is the predicted value of \(\hat{Y}\) when \(X = 0\).

What does this Intercept value mean here?

## Coefficients
Intercept   -41.916612
Education     6.387161
dtype: float64

The intercept and the linear equation#

If \(X = 0\), the linear equation reduces to:

\(Y = -41.92 + \epsilon\)

predict_y(0) ### predicted value when x = 0

Understanding the slope#

For a continuous variable, the slope is the predicted change in \(Y\) for every 1-unit change in \(X\).

What does this slope term mean here?

## Coefficients
Intercept   -41.916612
Education     6.387161
dtype: float64

Check-in: more practice with statsmodels#

Build a regression model predicting Income from Seniority. What are the params? What do they mean?

### Your code here


mod_seniority = smf.ols(data = df_income, formula = "Income ~ Seniority").fit()
Intercept    39.158326
Seniority     0.251288
dtype: float64


Why were these parameters chosen as opposed to some other \(\beta_0\) and \(\beta_1\)?

### Your response here


Linear regression finds the set of parameters \(\beta\) that minimizes the residual sum of squares (RSS).

I.e., it finds the line of best fit!

Other relevant output#

statsmodels also gives us:

  • A standard error associated with each coefficient.

  • A t-value associated with each coefficient.

  • A p-value associated with each coefficient.

  • A confidence interval associated with each coefficient.

Standard error#

  • These standard errors can be used to construct a confidence interval around our parameter estimate.

  • Assumption: parameters are estimates, which have some amount of normally-distributed error.

mod.bse ## Standard error associated with each coefficient
Intercept    9.768949
Education    0.581172
dtype: float64

Can report standard error as follows:

Education was positively related with Income, \([\beta = 6.34, SE = 0.58]\).

t-value and p-value#

The standard error can also be used to calculate \(t\)-statistics for each coefficient, which can in turn be used to estimate a \(p\)-value to test for significance.

## t-values = params / bse
mod.params / mod.bse
Intercept    -4.290801
Education    10.990148
dtype: float64
## double-checking our work
Intercept    -4.290801
Education    10.990148
dtype: float64
## Check for significance
Intercept    1.918257e-04
Education    1.150567e-11
dtype: float64


Knowing what you know about standard error of the mean, how do you think our sample size affects the standard error for our coefficients?

### Your response here


A larger sample (\(n\)) results in a lower standard error.

Coming up soon: We’ll discuss how to actually calculate standard error for our coefficients.

Confidence interval#

Finally, the conf_int function returns a confidence interval for all of our parameters.

  • This is calculated using the standard error.

  • By default, this assumes \(\alpha = .05\), i.e., a \(95\%\) CI.

  • Crucial assumption is that distribution of sample statistics (\(\beta\)) is normal.

## alpha = .05
0 1
Intercept -61.927397 -21.905827
Education 5.196685 7.577637
## alpha = .01
mod.conf_int(alpha = .01)
0 1
Intercept -68.910782 -14.922442
Education 4.781232 7.993091


What is the \(95\%\) confidence interval for our coefficients for the model using Seniority to predict Income?

### Your code here


These could be reported as follows:

Seniority was positively related to Income, \([\beta = 0.25]\), \(95\%\) \(CI = [0.09, 0.41]\).

0 1
Intercept 21.714212 56.60244
Seniority 0.090776 0.41180

Regression with categorical predictors#

What are categorical variables?#

A categorical (or qualitative) variable takes on one of several discrete values.


  • spam or not spam.

  • male or female.

  • right-handed vs. left-handed.

  • smoker vs. non-smoker.

  • treatment vs. placebo.

  • Condition A vs. Condition B.

Note: some variables (e.g., handnedness or gender) are treated either categorically or continuously.

Example dataset: Stroop task#

In psychology, the Stroop effect is the delay in reaction time between congruent and incongruent stimuli.

df_stroop = pd.read_csv("data/models/stroop.csv")
Condition RT
0 Congruent 12.079
1 Congruent 16.791
2 Congruent 9.564

Building a linear model#

How do we interpret these parameters?

mod_stroop = smf.ols(data = df_stroop, formula = "RT ~ Condition").fit()
Intercept                   14.051125
Condition[T.Incongruent]     7.964792
dtype: float64

Interpreting the slope for categorical variables#

\(\Large Y = \beta_0 + \beta_1X_1 + \epsilon\)

  • \(\beta_0 = 14.05\)

  • \(\beta_1 = 7.96\)

What is \(X_1\) here?

Intercept                   14.051125
Condition[T.Incongruent]     7.964792
dtype: float64

Using indicator variables#

A indicator variable (alternatively: “dummy variable”) represents the possible values of a categorical variable with different numbers, e.g., 0 vs. 1 for a binary variable.

In our case, this variable might take the form:

  • if Condition == Congruent –> 0

  • if Condition == Incongruent –> 1

This is also called dummy coding or treatment coding.

Interpreting our equation with indicator variables (pt. 1)#

Our equation might thus look like this:

\(Y = 14.05 + 7.96X_{incongruent=1} + \epsilon\)

  • What happens when \(X\) is Congruent?

  • What happens when \(X\) is Incongruent?

When Condition == Congruent#

When Condition == Congruent, the equation reduces to the Intercept.

\(Y = 14.05 + 7.96 *0 + \epsilon = 14.05 + \epsilon\)

Note: This is actually identical to the mean of the Congruent condition!

Congruent 14.051125
Incongruent 22.015917

When Condition == Incongruent#

When Condition == Incongruent, the equation is the Intercept plus the slope.

\(Y = 14.05 + 7.96 * 1 + \epsilon = 14.05 + 7.96 + \epsilon\)

Note: The resulting value is the mean of the Incongruent condition.

14.05 + 7.96
Congruent 14.051125
Incongruent 22.015917


What does our slope parameter reflect then?


In univariate regression with a categorical, binary predictor, the slope reflects the difference in means between the two levels of that predictor.

sns.pointplot(data = df_stroop, x = "Condition", y = "RT")
<Axes: xlabel='Condition', ylabel='RT'>


Load the tips dataset from seaborn and fit a linear model predicting tip from time.

  • Inspecting the model summary.

  • How should you interpret the resulting coefficients?

df_tips = sns.load_dataset("tips")
### Your code here


The intercept reflects the mean tip for Lunch, and the slope reflects the difference in tip amount between Lunch and Dinner.

mod_tips = smf.ols(data = df_tips, formula = "tip ~ time").fit()
Intercept         2.728088
time[T.Dinner]    0.374582
dtype: float64
df_tips[['time', 'tip']].groupby("time").mean()
Lunch 2.728088
Dinner 3.102670

Variables with \(>2\) levels?#

Many categorical variables have \(>2\) levels:

  • Assistant Professor vs. Associate Professor vs. `Full Professor.

  • Conditions A, B, and C.

  • Europe vs. Asia vs. Africa vs. Americas vs. Oceania.

By default, statsmodels will use dummy coding, choosing the alphabetically first level as the reference level.


  • Read in the dataset at data/housing.csv.

  • Then, build a linear model predicting median_house_value from ocean_proximity.

  • Inspect the model summary(). How should you interpret the results?

### Your code here


df_housing = pd.read_csv("data/housing.csv")
mod_housing = smf.ols(data = df_housing, formula = "median_house_value ~ ocean_proximity").fit()
Intercept                        240084.285464
ocean_proximity[T.INLAND]       -115278.893463
ocean_proximity[T.ISLAND]        140355.714536
ocean_proximity[T.NEAR BAY]       19128.026326
ocean_proximity[T.NEAR OCEAN]      9349.691963
dtype: float64
df_housing[['ocean_proximity', 'median_house_value']].groupby("ocean_proximity").mean()
<1H OCEAN 240084.285464
INLAND 124805.392001
ISLAND 380440.000000
NEAR BAY 259212.311790
NEAR OCEAN 249433.977427

How to code your variables?#

Coding refers to the approach taken to representing the different levels of a categorical variable in a regression model.

There are a variety of different approaches to contrast coding, some of which are summarized below.



What is the Intercept?

What is the Slope?

Dummy coding

Choose one level as reference.

mean of reference group.

Difference between that level and mean of reference group.

Deviation coding

Compare each level to grand mean.

mean of all groups.

Difference between that level and grand mean.

And many more!

By default, statsmodels uses dummy coding.


  • The statsmodels package can be used to build linear regression models.

  • These models produce many useful summary features, including:

    • The fit \(\beta\) parameters (intercept and slope).

    • The standard error and p-value of those parameters.

  • Each \(\beta\) parameter has a particular interpretation with respect to \(\hat{Y}\).